Currently, I have a 200GB drive that has all of my mp3s on there. I realized that I
very rarely access this drive except to put mp3s on there that we just recently added to my empeg. Simply put, my PC based mp3 collection only serves as a backup for my empeg. The problem is, the collection on my empeg is so neatly organized while my PC based collection tries, but can not keep up with the many tracks I have in multiple playlists etc. I'm nearly at 140GB of music, so the thought of putting this music back on the player, even if I had it all, is still a nightmare. I've literally spent years organizing the empeg and fine tuning the track information.
I'm really tempted to use the FTP meathod of backup, where I would copy the FIDs from drive0 and drive1 to my PC because this preserves the database information. However, I have a few questions:
1) Is there any way to update the id3 tags of the mp3s on the player, BEFORE copying them off of the player (I'm aware that Jemplode will update the ID3 after downloading, but this keeps the ID3s on the empeg still out of date). My collection is mostly tagged correctly, but this would still be nice to have emplode or Jemplode do an "ID3 Update" to the mp3s on the player.
and 2) Is there anyway to automate this process so an FTP client would only copy FIDS to my PC that were newer or altered? (ie, when told to copy, it would only do what is needed to update?)
Or, 3) Am I just going about this all wrong?
All opinions welcome,

Thanks guys
