I have two Rio Receivers (and two Rio Cars!

) in my house, and have been using the 'factory' software up until now. My biggest complaint with the factory Rio Receiver software is that there's no way to bring up a list of albums by artist (such as all the albums for REM or Pink Floyd), and select the one I want to listen to. All I am looking to do, is to be able to select an album by an artist, and play the songs in order. it shouldn't be that difficult!
It looks like the tRio/jreceiver combo will do this, but good lord that looks like an awful lot of work and complexity to install all that. My MP3 files are held on a linux box and are served via samba to my windows boxes, so at least that's a start. But, I really don't want to go down that road unless I absolutely have to.
As a noob, I'm really lost here. What's the easiest way to make this little Rio Receiver a little smarter? Or is there no easy way?
Thanks in advance!
- Chris