As we all know...the famed 'Hard Drive Not Found' event is merely an eventuality for Empeg owners.
I have recently replaced my ribbon cable when I could not boot up at all. For a few months it was wonderful!
Recently, however, I have been having this dreaded message reappear. When it does, I have to open up the Empeg (RioCar to be exact) and fiddle with the cable. Usually this is enought to spark a connection. More recently, though, I have had to take the HDD's out and press down on the cable connection onto the motherboard. It is working fine now.

But I know that it will reappear soon.
This weekend was particularly interesting, for i was driving my Miata top down from NJ to Long Island (2 hour drive) in 85+ degree heat. All was fine until I tried to change a playlist and the HU froze. Took it out of the dash and it was VERY HOT to the touch. Had to place it on the floor of the car to cool off. I also have a Clarion installed in the dash and the heat generated by both units (Rio>Clarion) was substantial for as I placed my hand it the cavity left from the removal of the Empeg it has Pizza Oven Hot!!!
When I slid the HU back into the dash i got the HDNF message.
After and hour or so the unit cooled off enough to boot up, but, again, having the top down and the car off, the direct sunlight heated it up enough so that it would not boot.
Eventually I had to open up the unit...take out the HD down on the connector...put it all together...and I was merrily on my way again!
Point of the story...the empeg is truely a labor of love for anybody else, my wife included, would have certainly tossed the unit on the first sign of distress.
Like a cell phone, ATM card and the internet...for me at least...the though of not having the Empeg alive and well leaves me with an unsettling feeling!!
So...any other heat related stories to tell?????
Any cable stories as well???
Any advice for me on avoiding the HDNF issue?