I hadn't even thought of it, honestly. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look at it.
BTW, for any of you who would like to buy a CD but aren't in the US (and are able to pay), don't worry about the shipping costs. I'll gladly pay for the bragging rights of having sold a CD to somewhere exotic*.

I'd also planned to do an "online download" purchase system, but that's taking a bit longer to create than slapping on a PayPal button to happen.
Thanks for the support, all. It's been a thrilling ride to do this, and I'm very pleased with the result. I should mention that one of the primary forces driving me to do this was knowing that mwest had put a demo cut of one of these songs (a previous, crude recording) on his empeg and was actually listening to it. I figured if people would actually listen, I ought to try and do something with a bit more quality!
*"exotic" = "outside of Texas".