So. The Empeg's sat on top of my monitor at work where it's sat every day for the past few months. Whenever I get up and walk away I put it into standby (hold in top button) as I don't know how long I'm likely to be.
So, after a trip to the loo I get back to my desk and hit the top button to start the Empeg playing again.
The screen shimmers - difficult to describe, but sort of like high refresh static - and a very high pitched whine came from the box (my hearing's good - up until only a few years ago I could hear those 'silent' dog whistles. 'course, I'm getting old now and it's slowly disappearing). The music continued to play.
I paniced (sp?) and put the machine into standby again (the top button still worked to do this). After five seconds or so I hit the top button to get it going again. This time - same display shimmer, same whine but not music. I then repeated this. The Empeg repeated the shimmer, whine and no music.
Really panicing, I pulled the power, waited a few seconds and plugged it back in.
The display came up normally, it booted and continued playing exactly where it left off.
I've put it into standby a few times since and it's not repeated the problem.
Sort of worrying that it happened though. Anybody any ideas?
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18Gb blue (now AR red) - s/n 080000299 (original queue position 8724)
18GB red s/n 080000299