Hi, Ive just found this board and Im amazed at whats been done with the empeg unit and how many people have them ! I took my unit out of my old car before I sold it and its been sat in its box for a while. I recently wanted to listen to some music I remembered I had on it so I tried to set it up on my home stereo, then I remembered the AC didnt seem to be working last time I tried it ( a long time ago ) anyway the unit worked fine when it was removed from the car. Im pretty sure the time I tried to use it in my home was before it came out of the car. I tried another AC within the 11-16 and 1A stated on the box and it didnt work, likewise my empeg AC worked for the item Id tried the alternate AC on ( my Ethernet hub ). So the question I have ( Im sure theres gonna be loads more now I've discovered this board

) is does anyone have any idea why the unit would work off the car battery but not of the AC, are the seperate power lines or something ?
Any help much appreciated.