At this point my wish is probably in super pie-in-the-sky territory, but here goes...
I've been messing with the
MusicMagic Mix function of Winamp 5.1 for a while now. It's great fun and very useful. It creates a playlist of songs from a selected track. Pick a song and press the MusicMagic Mix button and boom! It generates a playlist of similar sounding tunes. I remember a similar program that was being talked about here, but I forgot the name.
In the morning, I usually get into the car with a particular song in my head. it would be really cool to be able to pick that song on the Empeg and then
MMM a full playlist from it. I've done this several times at work and I usually am very pleased (and surprised) with the results.
From my meager research it appears there must be some form of license fee, and you need to scan your collection to set up the database (for my ~15,000 tracks the db appears to be around 11MB. I hope, if the gods are smiling on the Mark III, or v4.0, they might consider such a feature...
I wish I was rich and could program...