#289385 - 07/11/2006 01:29
Tivo has bleeping lost it.
carpal tunnel
Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
Link20 dollars a month and I still have to sign up for a year they are insane. I wish the DVR my cable company gives out was worth a crap. Anyone know any good DVR software that does suggestions like Tivo does ? I thought this one did but now I don't see that listed as a feature. Link
#289386 - 07/11/2006 02:54
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: msaeger]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 30/04/2000
Posts: 3816
Not so fast. If you go up to the appropriate consumer page, TiVo is giving you a Series-2 (80-hour) free. This is meant to compete with the traditional cable box rental charges. TiVo is aiming for "free" TiVos for Christmas in order to get some kind of massive build-up in market share. TiVo is trying to follow the standard business plan for cell phone providers. The prices are pretty reasonable on the base model, but if you want the HD Series 3 box, then you're paying $800 up front. That's less pleasant. Still, when I got my DirecTV HD10-250, I paid more than that up front, plus my monthly fees to DirecTV for "TiVo service". Let's assume that pre-existing customers see their original pricing (which isn't entirely clear, but is likely to be true), then that would mean Engadget is blowing this out of proportion. Now, if we're lucky, the TiVo people will realize this for the PR disaster that it still is (i.e., with a non-trivial overlap between Engadget readers and premium TV gizmo adopters), and will find a way to sweeten the deal.
#289387 - 07/11/2006 03:18
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: DWallach]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
That may be true but I would rather pay for the hardware and have a lower fee with no contract. I hate the cell phone model that's why I don't have one  . Also I guess I am assuming that they will force this on current customers and even if they don't I will get forced into it when my current Tivo dies. On a somewhat related note I am also getting annoyed with the latest software for the stand alone units. It runs unbearably slow and they messed up how the suggestions work.
#289388 - 07/11/2006 03:37
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: DWallach]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 12/11/2001
Posts: 7738
Loc: Toronto, CANADA
TiVo is dead. They know it and most of the public is now finding out. This is their last ditch effort to get some cash but it's going to backfire like every marketing mistake they've made since they started. It was a good technical idea based on work being done in the PC space by companies like ATI. TiVo wrapped it all in a nice usable UI.
They were too early to productize however and decided they'd market it as a service. No innovation since the early days and marketing decisions only further in the wrong direction. TiVo has now become a catch-all term for DVR and there's no way they will ever come back from it.
Satellite PVRs keep getting better. Solutions from PC software companies are slowly getting better (Sage if better than BeyondTV in almost every way). Microsoft will ship MCE capabilities in everything. ReplayTV probably did a smart thing moving to a software solution.
Video recording is not a service, so stop paying for it as if it were. Don't sign up for a TiVo contract that may end with the company folding before you ever see your money's worth of "service."
TiVo has demonstrated they're anti-consumer and have shown over the past six years they can't make enough money to grow the company let alone invest in R&D to really move the technology forward in significant ways.
#289389 - 07/11/2006 13:05
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: DWallach]
Registered: 08/08/2000
Posts: 351
Loc: chicago
Pricing for the bundled hardware and service is now the same as service only. Compare the two sections on this page. It would seem that they're trying to compete with cable company DVRs, which require no investment in the hardware. However, this is a drastic price increase for those who already own their hardware, and anyone trying to activate an old box is still required to commit to a contract term (something even the cable companies don't require). I agree with Matt, they've lost it. --Dan.
#289390 - 07/11/2006 13:24
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: DWallach]
Registered: 11/11/2001
Posts: 552
Loc: Houston, TX
Service Payment PlansNope, it looks like they're raising everyone's rates, If I find this rate on next month's statement, I'm dropping TiVo like a rock, and getting my media center PC up and running as my main DVR. I'm going to be calling TiVo to make sure of this, but if they do say my rates are going up to $20 unless I sign a contract, they're gone. And I love my TiVo.
--Ben 78GB MkIIa, Dead tuner.
#289391 - 07/11/2006 21:10
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: BAKup]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
Even to pay 20 dollars a month you have to get a contract that is the rate for the one year agreement. I wish Microsoft would do MCE right.
#289392 - 07/11/2006 21:38
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: msaeger]
old hand
Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 931
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
has anyone here tried 'Moxi"? My sister has it, and I found it is better than Tivo in a lot of ways (it doesn't have the suggestion feature - but I don't usually use that much anyway.)
#289393 - 07/11/2006 21:44
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: msaeger]
Registered: 06/02/2002
Posts: 1904
Loc: Leeds, UK
Here is the UK we have been paying £10 ($19ish) a month for years for the Tivo service. I still don't mind that, I only wish they would release some new boxes here or sell the interface to Sky, we are stuck with series 1 boxes still  Cheers Cris.
#289394 - 07/11/2006 22:04
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: burdell1]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
Isn't that from the cable company ? What makes it better than the Tivo ?
#289395 - 07/11/2006 23:10
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: msaeger]
Registered: 13/01/2002
Posts: 1649
Loc: Louisiana, USA
It is from the cable company. I've not ever used a Tivo, but I know the Moxi has quite a few bugs. One of the more annoying ones that I have experienced is that while previewing channel listings, it will suddenly leave the current channel I am watching and go to channel 7. It is also rather slow to navigate and sometimes misses shows I've selected even if put in the highest priority. Plus they put a puny 80GB drive that just doesn't cut it for HD.
I would really like to try the Tivo 3, but can't justify $12+ a month after already spending $800 on the box.
If you want it to break, buy Sony!
#289396 - 07/11/2006 23:25
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: maczrool]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
That's what I thought so I wouldn't be able to get one anyway the DVR the cable company offers here isn't the moxi one.
#289397 - 08/11/2006 01:27
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: msaeger]
Registered: 25/06/2002
Posts: 456
Quote: On a somewhat related note I am also getting annoyed with the latest software for the stand alone units. It runs unbearably slow and they messed up how the suggestions work.
The latest software update (a month or so ago) is such an enormous disaster in so many varied ways! It actually adversely impacts my "TiVo experience."
I haven't whined too much because my "lifetime membership" has paid itself off years ago and I am (was) a die-hard TiVo fan.
But if they were charging me $20/month (instead of $0/month) for this latest piece of crap, I would have kicked the TiVo to the curb.
I just assumed that the original software guys with the "vision" must have left and handed it off to a bunch of new college grads who don't actually use all the features of the Tivo or have any clue how to do quality control.
Here are a (small) number of the problems that I can name right off the top of my head. Note, NONE of these problems existed in the previous software release. They're all new.
- Lockups. In my years of TiVo ownership it had NEVER locked up. Now if I move between menus too fast, it jams and I have to pull the plug out of the wall to reset it. This happens about once a month now.
- PAINFULLY slow interface when you are diving in and out of folders or moving between the "Now Playing" and "Main Menu"
- Also a big time lag when coming from LiveTV or a recorded program back to any menu.
- No "type ahead" for these painfully slow gaps. I.e., if you hit "right, right, right" it will do the first "right" and then make two bonking noises while it slowly redraws the menu and then eventually decides to let you input the next "right"
- "Pick Programs to Record" became "Find Programs" WHAT?! Doesn't "Find Progams" imply "Find programs I already have recorded" instead of "choose what to record later"? This is just an unnecessary cognitive dissonance that shows they aren't putting much thought into the user experience any more.
- In the "To Do List" or "View Recording History" or "Now Playing" menus if you delete something or add something, it puts you back in the order at time==now even if you were editing stuff for next week. So to cancel three back-to-back upcoming shows for next Tuesday (as I often do before I go on vacation) you have to cancel one, scroll back through pages of stuff, cancel the next one, scroll back again, cancel, scroll-scroll-scroll, cancel, etc.)
Just because these pinheads stopped tracking your "current position in list" for no apparent reason
- If you have "KidZone" enabled and you put your TiVo into "Standby" and then go away for a few hours, when you "un-standby" your TiVo it comes up in KidZone (as it is supposed to) but the entire KidZone menu is completely blank and every button you push either makes a bonking noise, or asks for you to enter your "exit KidZone" code.

OK, there are plenty more failures than this. These are just the ones that became immediately obvious to me within minutes of using the TiVo and annoy me incessantly.
How could a machine that "got it right" the first time have gotten it so wrong this time?
(In retrospect, this is probably not too uncommon and is a bit like Brooks' "second system effect." I remember that Macs back in the System 6 or maybe early 7 days worked nicely, cleanly, and quickly. And then got more and more crufted up, unintelligible, buggy, and slow with every software release for 5+ years, until Apple basically did a total reset and now once again has something that is more or less a joy to use once more. (I know a few of you will disagree with me on the "Macs are good again" thing, but I hope you acknowledge that they were getting nastier and nastier through the 90's and earlier '00's.))
Anyway, I want TiVo to succeed, but I think that between the new pricing and the frighteningly disastrous software release they may have just dug their own grave. 
[Begin Random_Partially_Relevant_Anecdotes]
I remember one day back in '97 or '98 when I went to AltaVista just like I did every day for searching the web. But they had re-formated their front page! The search box was hard to find or required you to click through to another page or something like that.
Normally, I'm just too lazy to try anything different. But now they changed the way things worked, and broke my rhythm. "OK," I thought, "If this is going to be a pain in the butt, I'll just go check out this new Google thing" (or maybe it was Yahoo! at that point). Well, I never came back.
I've always suspected that AltaVista lost half their users in just that one day after they gratuitously changed their interface for the worse. They were an also-ran within a few more short months.
When I go to the store to buy some standard household product on my "always buy" list and they have changed the packaging, it freaks me out and takes me a few extra moments to find it. Then at that point I usually decide to check out competitive products and usually switch to another brand just out of spite. Then I mindlessly stick with that other brand until THEY change their packaging and confuse me.
I guess I'm a very simple man....
But it surprises me that a company will work so hard to build up brand loyalty and repeat business and then do something small and foolish causing them to "accidentally" lose consumers like me.
As a counterpoint, Arm&Hammer baking soda has had more or less the same old yellow box for over 50 years... making it easy for me to find when I'm blowing through the grocery store... and thus they've never tempted me to save three cents and buy the generic baking soda instead....
...Although, I have thrown caution completely to the wind a few times and bought some of those "put me in the fridge" versions with the cardboard cut out of the sides -- because they're still yellow boxes and therefore don't confuse and frighten my little mind. 
[End RPRA]
#289398 - 08/11/2006 01:50
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: music]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
The problem I have switching is Tivo works (or used to anyway) for the way I want to watch tv.
I only set season passes for a few shows that I really want to see when new episodes come out then I give the thumbs up to things I like. This results in there always being something I like available whenever I want to watch tv. If I had to tell it everything to record I wouldn't get enough variety.
I seem to be about the only one that likes the suggestion feature so no other DVRs seem to have that feature.
I wonder if anything ever became of the software replay was working on.
#289399 - 08/11/2006 13:08
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: msaeger]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 30/04/2000
Posts: 3816
I've been happy my DirecTV-crippled HD10-250 TiVo for several years. We only just got the version 6.x software upgrade a few weeks ago. Still no HMO or TivoToGo. Despite all this, it "just works", which is certainly a big deal to me.
In January, when we head out to California for my sabbatical, the place we'll be renting has a "no satellite dishes" policy (plus, it's got free basic analog cable, and yes, I know that it's illegal for them to make that restriction, but it's not worth a big fight to me). That means that I'm going to be "in play" for a different DVR solution than what we're currently doing. For all the reasons discussed above, I'm now willing to consider non-TiVo solutions, starting with EyeTV linked to my Mac Mini. If that doesn't suck, then I'll be saying goodbye to TiVo.
#289400 - 08/11/2006 15:21
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: DWallach]
Registered: 12/02/2002
Posts: 2298
Loc: Berkeley, California
Quote: I'm now willing to consider non-TiVo solutions
I've got a replay tv sitting in the closet just in case I need it. If you'd like to borrow it while you're out here, you're welcome to. You'd have to pay the monthly fee, but I think that's all of $7 if I put it on my account.
#289401 - 08/11/2006 17:43
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: matthew_k]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 30/04/2000
Posts: 3816
Thanks for the offer. The big question is whether we want to go HD or not. The place we're renting apparently has a huge (35-inch) standard-def CRT. I can only imagine what that thing weighs. Assuming it's in decent condition, I might decide to forgo HD for a year and your ReplayTV would be fantastic. If, however, it's not doing so hot, then I'll buy some sort of shiny new flat panel and be looking for an HD DVR of some sort.
#289402 - 11/11/2006 15:10
Re: Tivo has bleeping lost it.
[Re: msaeger]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
Q. How does this change what I am paying today? A. The new pricing doesn’t affect any of our current customers’ rates for boxes that they own. If you are a monthly customer today, the monthly fees on your current boxes will not change with this change in pricing. This also applies to boxes currently covered under our multi-service discount program. New pricing applies only to new boxes purchased.
Well hopefully someone will come up with something better before my current tivo dies.