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#322902 - 02/06/2009 10:00 Cannot connect to specific website from home

Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
I'm having trouble connecting to this website from home:

It works when I connect from work or via my phone and a few other places I've tried. I ran a trace route and here are the results:

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 2.075 ms 1.443 ms 3.070 ms
2 ( 12.748 ms 8.604 ms 8.098 ms
3 * ( 11.044 ms 12.591 ms
4 ( 10.496 ms 10.052 ms 9.539 ms
5 ( 17.375 ms 20.125 ms 17.354 ms
6 ( 27.045 ms 26.235 ms 25.611 ms
7 ( 29.297 ms 27.161 ms 25.927 ms
8 ( 25.308 ms 25.909 ms 25.582 ms
9 ( 26.604 ms 33.711 ms 25.259 ms
10 ( 33.948 ms 35.836 ms 36.347 ms
11 ( 46.640 ms 54.794 ms 53.357 ms
12 ( 73.591 ms 74.809 ms 87.073 ms
13 ( 74.918 ms 75.502 ms 75.180 ms
14 ( 84.484 ms 87.759 ms 87.779 ms
15 ( 95.351 ms 84.744 ms 89.353 ms
16 ( 87.022 ms 172.695 ms 87.652 ms
17 ( 86.047 ms 88.135 ms 146.505 ms
18 ( 87.147 ms 85.095 ms 90.021 ms
19 * * *
20 * * *
21 * * *

It seems that the problem is at line 18, it always times stops there. Is there a way to notify the "people in charge" of this? I contacted my ISP but it works from their location. I went to DNS Stuff and ran the trace route there:

It mentions a firewall but other than that I don't really understand any thing else.

Edited by petteri (02/06/2009 13:41)

#322903 - 02/06/2009 10:34 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: petteri]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 18/01/2000
Posts: 5683
Loc: London, UK
There's no routing problem at your end, so your ISP is unlikely to be able to help. If you look at the trace, you can see that, by hop 9 or 10, the route is out of AT&T's network and into Level3's.

If I try the same traceroute, I get to (your hop 18), although it's only hop 14 from where I am (I can get to Level3 within 5 hops).

However, none of this _really_ means anything, except to verify that it's not a routing problem at your end. When I get to the last hop, I get the "* * *" stuff as well.

The "* * *" stuff is caused by a firewall at the other end. The thing is: this firewall's allowing HTTP traffic through it (I can connect to the website), but it's not responding ICMP traffic, which is why traceroute stops at that point.
-- roger

#322904 - 02/06/2009 10:43 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: Roger]

Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
Thanks for the info. So basically there's nothing I can do at this point besides wait and hope that someone figures out that there is a problem somewhere along the line? Would contacting the owner's of site I'm trying to reach help?

#322906 - 02/06/2009 10:48 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: petteri]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 29/08/2000
Posts: 14488
Loc: Canada
Originally Posted By: petteri
I'm having trouble connecting to this website from home ... It works when I connect from home ...

So what exactly is the trouble ??

#322907 - 02/06/2009 10:53 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: petteri]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 18/01/2000
Posts: 5683
Loc: London, UK
Originally Posted By: petteri
Would contacting the owner's of site I'm trying to reach help?

Probably not. Plenty of other people can reach the site, so they're going to say it's a problem on your end. And like Mark says: what exactly is the problem? What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened? What steps did you take to isolate the problem?

Or, to be more specific: What OS? What browser? What firewall or AV? What address did you enter? Do you have a proxy configured? I'll assume that you expected the page to display, so we can skip that part. Did you get an error message, or just a blank page? If you got an error message, what did it say? If you have access to another location, what happens if you try from there? What about trying a different OS or browser?

From my end, I'm on Windows 2003 SP2, running IE and Chrome (it works in both). My connection to the outside world is through a SonicWall gateway. I have no proxy configured. My AV (CA eTrust) doesn't monitor network activity.
-- roger

#322908 - 02/06/2009 10:54 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: mlord]

Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
Originally Posted By: mlord
Originally Posted By: petteri
I'm having trouble connecting to this website from home ... It works when I connect from home ...

So what exactly is the trouble ??


I can connect from work, but not from at home is what I was trying to say....

#322910 - 02/06/2009 11:02 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: petteri]

Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
The ISP is Atlantic Broadband. I'm using OSX with Firefox as my browser. I also tried it from another computer running Ubuntu at home with the same results. I've tried connecting on the Mac with Safari and Opera as well, same result. I have the site bookmarked to the forums section of the website, both that and entering in the main page address result in the same error.

This is the error I get from Firefox:

The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

I have no proxy setup and the firewall is from the wireless router.

#322914 - 02/06/2009 12:56 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: petteri]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 30/04/2000
Posts: 3810
A couple dumb things to try:

- Try connecting via telnet (i.e., telnet 80) and see if the connection goes through.

- Try using the IP address instead of the DNS name, as above

- Try using Safari instead of Firefox

Sometimes, these problems come down to nothing more than having bogus entries in your DNS cache or web cache or other such things.

Edited by DWallach (02/06/2009 12:58)

#322915 - 02/06/2009 13:42 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: DWallach]

Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
I tried all of the above, nothing worked.

#322917 - 02/06/2009 15:02 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: petteri]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
Originally Posted By: petteri
I tried all of the above, nothing worked.

You may want to try decreasing the MTU setting on your own firewall/router/whatever you have.

#322938 - 02/06/2009 22:30 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: canuckInOR]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 24/12/2001
Posts: 5528
You got another machine you can test it on?

#322942 - 02/06/2009 23:44 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: tman]

Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
Yea, I've got two laptops. One is running OSX the other Ubuntu. Neither of them connect to this website. I'll try a Windows box tomorrow.

#322947 - 03/06/2009 00:50 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: petteri]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 24/12/2001
Posts: 5528
Originally Posted By: petteri
Yea, I've got two laptops. One is running OSX the other Ubuntu. Neither of them connect to this website. I'll try a Windows box tomorrow.

Oops sorry. Didn't see that you had already mentioned trying it on both machines.

The wireless router doesn't have any URL filtering abilities enabled does it? Tried rebooting it? It does appear to be something to do with the router unless both your OSX and Ubuntu machines have the same software issue which is a little unlikely.

#322950 - 03/06/2009 09:24 Re: Cannont connect to specific website from home [Re: tman]

Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
This morning the site loads up just fine! Thanks for the help everyone!
