I was complaining here in a thread about the way that iTunes always wants to delete all my apps, data and music when I introduce it to a new computer. Some people's experience agreed with mine, others had never seemed to have the problem.
I upgraded the hard disk in my machine machine a couple of months ago and also moved from WinXP to Win7 at the same time. I had been putting off getting iTunes syncing with my phone on the new install until now.
So today I got round to it.
The process was simplified by the fact that I am starting afresh with my music library, as I recently reripped all my music (lowish bitrate mp3 before, now flac transcoded to MP3 for the empeg and iPhone). So I was quite happy to check the "sync my music" button, see the "iTunes will delete all the music on your phone" message and click "ok".
Sure enough iTunes deleted all the existing music on my phone and synced a load of new stuff over.
Then came the apps. When I checked "sync my apps", as always I got this message:

Now I clearly don't want press "sync applications", as that will delete all the app related data on my phone, right ?
But there isn't another option in iTunes, so it is a seeming dead end at that point.
I decided to backup the phone (as solid reliable backups/restores is one thing that iTunes thankfully gets right) and see exactly what did happen when I let it delete all my apps/data. So I did it and pressed the scary button. It transferred my purchased apps over from the phone and then synced.
The end result ? Exactly the opposite to what the scary message warned about. All my apps and data are intact*, everything now syncs ok.
So, is this the least informative message box ever or am I somehow misreading this ?
Presumably those of you who haven't had problems with new iTunes setups never read this message or somehow knew it didn't mean what it said ?
Did I ever mention that I hate iTunes ?

Just need to re-add all my podcasts now and teach the new iTunes install which ones I have already listened to, *sigh*
* intact except that for no good reason my 8 pages of apps have been complete rearranged, good job the iTunes app page UI works so well, NOT