Like I said before, It's like rubbing a lamp!
Do you do monetary-related wishes, too?
Man, I've gotta get me this Delphi tool. You seem to be able to whip out some pretty amazing utilities in short order. What impresses me the most is that these things don't need runtime modules, but they're still tiny. You're doing serial, USB, and other cool stuff, but it's all self-contained in a tiny little executable. This kicks ass all over VB.
Anwyay, here's my current wish list for empegTaxi. These aren't bugs or anything, they're just fun things... and don't feel any pressure to implement them with lightning speed as you've implemented the other stuff I suggested

1) This one's probably pretty easy... When you retrieve a file from the empeg, populate the "save" box with the file's title text. For instance, if I named the file before sending it to the Empeg, then the box would automatically have the song title ( as the default name to save the file under.
2) This one would probably be easy, too... Remember the last folder you saved a file to, and make that the default in the Save box. NOTE: Having done this in VB enough times, the code might have to test to make sure it fails gracefully if the folder isn't present.
3) Here's where my wishes get hard... The process of connecting, performing the search, getting the file size, etc., could probably be cut down to fewer steps so you don't have to click on as many buttons. For instance, you could do away with the separate USB/Serial connect buttons and just do both as one button. The "Command Mode" check box isn't needed, the act of connecting should put it into command mode automatically. The "Get File Sizes" button shouldn't be needed, that should automatically execute after the search is done. The user should only have a "Connect" button and a "Search" button, that's all they should need. Oh, and the "Get Selected" button.
4) User Interface Improvement: The three buttons that control the search/config/debug screens should look like tabs instead of buttons. I get the "Search" button and the other buttons confused and sometimes click on the wrong one. Is there an easy Tab control in Delphi? And the Get Selected button should appear only on the tab with the search results. That sort of thing...
Tony Fabris