It's getting cold enough that I don't even want to be working outside

When I was in high school I had a paper route, and I delivered newspapers with my motorcycle at temperatures colder than minus 60 F [-51 C]. I have gone out mountain biking with the bike club at minus 40 F [-40 C] but that was just once to prove I could do it. After that -10 F [-23 C] was my cutoff because below that the bike just didn't work very well: the lubricants in the cables, derailleurs, and bearings got too stiff to work properly, and enough layers of clothing were required that it was extra work just to spin the pedals.
Some of our die-hard members nonetheless rode to work every day absolutely regardless of temperature. They'd prep their bikes for winter by removing all lubrication other than some light oil in the wheel bearings and crank bearings, and would wear special high-tech cold weather gear that probably cost more than a typical bicycle. One guy had an eight mile commute that he rode at temperatures as low as -65 F.
For perspective, for winter mountain biking we wore
exactly the same gear (minus the skis, of course) as a cross country skier.