Are you guys ready for me to criticize Google again? This is a small one, but still a criticism

My wife walks around every day with two iPhones. She has a 4S that we bought her when it came out, and a 5 that she got from her work. Naturally, this makes no sense, so she might as well carry around the most recent phone, if possible. Plus, why not let her work pay her phone bill, and drop that big monthly charge?
The problem is that it's so tough to let go of that personal cell phone number that she's had for over 10 years.
The only thing I've thought of is pretty simple: just port the number to Google Voice, and add her work phone as the sole phone on the account. That way she still gets calls and texts to both numbers.
But here's where I [partly] bitch about Google: the Google Voice MMS problem. I only partly blame them because MMS is a bit of a mess and from what I've read differs from carrier to carrier in how they handle it, and none of the carriers want to help Google out (except for Sprint, apparently). I would be completely happy if every MMS I received got turned into an email, but no, instead it just goes *poof* and disappears forever.
For me, I thought that was okay. I don't have anyone who sends me an MMS, and barely anyone who texts me. Then I found out that in order to do group SMS that other people could reply-all to, Apple made it so group SMS's got turned into an MMS when they're sent out. Consequently, the one guy who texts me would send a group text to my wife and I, and she would get it and I wouldn't, but none of the three of us knew it!
So now if that friend sent that text, neither of us would get it, and while we would probably figure that out, it certainly isn't good!
So what would you guys recommend? Should we just chance it, and let people know that they shouldn't send MMS's or group texts to her, at least not on that phone number? Is there some other service/strategy we should look into?