Sorry if this was a give-away, Drakino.
No problem. Status right now:
The FAQ is working, and as Tony said, he is getting content into it.
The install gallery is working, but needs some tweaking to get it automated the way I want.
The logo site has not been merged in, that will happen sometime after the opening.
Submit news works. Great for reporting major things from here and other places.
I'm still working on how the developer information will work. I may either do a FAQ like system, or a news posting type system. Depends on what is easier to hack to the needs of the page. Or a wikki as well may be put in, as suggested elsewhere.
Downloads works, but I still need to finish up the categories. I also need an easy to use upload system, as currently it just links to some other server. e-mail addresses. I'm still thinking about the easiest way to do this. I know for sure it's just going to be a redirect to a real address.
I'm hoping for a launch without some features tomorrow. I'll post here when it is up. The address will be