BigDisk is indeed cool and a big part of why I wanted to install a new CF and rebuild. My past experience with v3alpha11 was not great (wanted FLAC support), so plan to stick with v2 for now, but so nice to have the option to easily switch back and forth.
My 128G SanDisk CF is in, working and music reloaded; the install could not have been easier using Tony's recommended adapter and the latest BigDisk Builder upgrade file. I'm using Empeg Remote from my desktop using the Android Studio Virtual Player. I would only love it more if it could run on iOS, but perhaps a reason to pickup an Android tablet just to run this app.
I briefly struggled to get the web server and Empeg Remote working. Then realized the player was in its new dock.

Then I incorrectly thought the
FAQ was referring to the Hijack
Home/Work Location option, so kept toggling that until I realized it was
Force AC/DC Power Mode that need to be set to
Force AC/Home. In re-reading I see Tony stated this clearly, I just did not read it carefully.
To all that have continued to put effort into this ... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!