I have my tuner installed for a few days now and it has been working great! I haven't had the problems others have experienced, but I do have some problems which I haven't read about before (or I haven't searched the BBS very well?)
When I tune into a station on 104.1MHz, it stays there for a few seconds and then the player continuously reboots... If I press a button quickly enough after a reboot to have it do something else than listen to this station again, it keeps working fine! I've tried to solve this problem with different positions in the MP3 playlists, had the car off, on accessory, running, still the same error. I did a diagnostics check (on AC) and everything turned out fine. So I took my laptop into the car and recorded what was happening, I've attached the files to this post.
The other minor thing is this. I am hearing engine sounds over the speakers. They are quite noticable when there's a silent part in the audio. I occurs with MP3 and with the radio. When paused I doesn't show up! I didn't have this before I had the tuner module. What could be causing this behaviour?
The third minor issue concerns the rotary knob. I concerns all three sources (MP3, Radio, AUX). During the more silent parts in the audio I can hear the knob make audible clicks through the speakers. It's not loud, but certainly noticable. I haven't experienced this before, at least not that I know of, since I haven't used the rotary knob very often because it started slipping some months after I received the empeg. I have the fixed knob installed for a few weeks now and I use it alot more than before. Also, when the audio is paused, I doesn't occur.
Suggestions anyone?
Edwin de Vaan