Speaking of USB host, there's another project going on right now in the embedded linux space that kind of reminds me of empeg back in the good old days.
Here is a link to the device. It's called the MyLinux Pocket Linux Workstation, and for good reason. This thing has most of the ports you would find on a full size workstation, including: USB host, 2 PCMCIA(type 2), 1 Compact Flash, 1 Serial(2 on the worldwide beta model), and an IR port.

I think this would be a perfect platform for driving the GPS/route planning software that has been talked about recently due to the 320x240 touch screen LCD and USB host(or serial, or IR) to access the read-only maps on the empeg. The only glitch is that the people behind the device need a minimum amount of orders to get the ball rolling. I figured that a few people here might be interested enough to give it a shot. So while you're killing time waiting for 2.0 why don't you go check it out?