Yes, I use the Pelican 1200 after my MkI encounterd a concrete pavement from an altitude of about 5 feet - only damage was that the top left corner of the colored panel was broken off

Other empegs that have taken lesser falls have suffered far worse injuries...
Let me do some measuring...
Interior dimensions of case 244x185 mm
Left and right I have 26 and 42 mm between empeg metal side walls and case wall (the facsia extends another 5 mm left and right) In the wider area I insert the remote, vertically between two 'columns' of foam. You could center the empeg and put the remote on top of the empeg. Or dig out one column of foam and store a cable there...
The back wall of the empeg is 30 mm from the case wall. Between the case wall and connector there is one 'line' of foam ~10mm thick. Between the facsia and the case wall there is also ~10mm of foam
Height: the middle foam layer is deep enought to accomodate the empeg. I actually lined the bottom with one extra 'row' of foam left over from the stuff removed to allow the empeg in. This stops the empeg from bumping back and forth between lid and bottom (small movement, but noticeble). Even with this extra padding you can put a CD jewel case on top of the empeg and still close the case, so you can probably carry an USB or ethernet cable there if you really must...
But if you want to carry USB, serial and ethernet cables, power adaptor etc then you do need the larger Pelican 1400.
I'll try to get some pictures next week(end) if I can borrow the Ixus from work, as I need to redo some wiring for the dimming sensing... Might as well document the install then. I just removed (today) my MkI and installed the MkII and tuner - very nice! No whine at all... The upgrade of the amplifier(s) from two el cheapo Pyramids to a somewhat nicer Audiobahn 6600E (6x75W) helped too

Bloody big for a small VW Polo though, covers about all of the 60% part of the foldable split seat back... Didn't play much with the tuner yet, so I haven't checked if there's any of the issues others have experienced, will check tomorrow...
Oh yeah... 1 inch = 25.4 mm, so 10 mm ~ 3/8"