Just installed and the first time the player was loading after install, it was in a crash-restart(not reboot) loop. Started it from shell and got this:
empeg:/bin# exit
Shell exit
Starting player
empeg-car 2.00-beta3 2001/10/17.
Prolux 4 empeg car - 1.860 Oct 17 2001
Vcb: 0x402be000
E !! local_audio_compplayer(104): memory violation at pc=0x020416e8, lr=0x020d4e
b4 (bad address=0x00000000, code 2)
onent.cpppc : [<020416e8>] lr : [<020d4eb4>]
sp : be1ffcf0 ip : be1ffc98 fp : be1ffd08
543: Invalidr10: 00000000 r9 : 021bc5e8 r8 : be1ffd34
tune infr7 : 00000080 r6 : 021bc5e8 r5 : 00000000 r4 : 021a0cd8
ormation r3 : 00000000 r2 : 00000000 r1 : 00000001 r0 : 021a0ce4
for FID 0Flags: nzCvx0. This IRQs on FIQs on Mode USER_32 Segment user
is bad.
@@ SControl: C83B517D Table: C83B517D DAC: 00000015
Function entered at [<020416b8>] from [<0206298c>]
r5 = 021D7868 r4 = BE1FFD2C
Function entered at [<0206296c>] from [<02062444>]
r6 = 021BC5E8 r5 = 021D7868 r4 = 021D7758
Function entered at [<02062310>] from [<020ca4fc>]
r10 = 020CA444 r8 = 0000300D r7 = 00000080 r6 = 0000000D
r5 = 021BC5E8 r4 = BE1FFD64
Function entered at [<020ca444>] from [<020d16f4>]
r5 = 021BC600 r4 = BE1FFE40
Function entered at [<020d162c>] from [<0210c63c>]
r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [<0210ae30>] from [<020d1470>]
r8 = 0216D964 r7 = 0216D950 r6 = 020CA444 r5 = 00000003
r4 = 00000001
Function entered at [<020d13c0>] from [<0210c63c>]
r5 = 00000000 r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [<02171710>] from [<020d3914>]
Restored terminal settings
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
Abnormal player termination
Player received signal 11
Starting bash.
Any ideas?
(CC'd to bugs@empeg.com)
_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
_~= Dearing =~_
Gettin' back into it thanks to slimrio!