Hmmm... I take your point but I wish they'd make it easier/possible to remove the feature in Office apps. I'm running Win '98 both at home and at work so that particular functionality isn't in my face all the time - just when I'm using Office. However when I do upgrade to Windows XP eventually (I'm guessing it's in there too

) I'll have to deal with it. Still, sounds like it's easy enough to eradicate in Windows, just not so easy in Office. This is just one of many things MS change for the worse when they launch a new generation of product like changing 'Settings' to 'Options' (I think it used to be 'Settings'). Oh yeah and those awful scrolling Start menus rather than the perfectly usable wrapover menus. Why change it? It's fine as it is. Also, why do they take out or hide functionality which you've got to rely on, like faxing? It was there in 3.1 then they decided to hide it away in '95. It's there, but you have to go get it from the CD and install it manually. Very naughty.