The published list of serial ASCII commands at
http://www.empeg.mars.org/devel/software/player.php3 seems to be out of date.
The K, L, -space- & W commands are now longer supported, it seems (beta9c+dev)?

I'm now using a subset of these commands in my stick controller project, and would like to extend my project by adding a
Mobil Phone Mute input to it. I guess I could just '\' Sleep the player when a call was incoming, and '\' awaken it when it was complete. I'd prefer to mute the player with a pause (-space-?) and it would be really neat if a user text display prompt could be implemented in the empeg i.e.
"Phone Call"CR ; Issues a user textual string to the empeg display, longer lines are scrolled across the screen.
""CR ; Would cancel the user prompt and revert the empeg display back to as it was before.
And, as I said, a pause command please i.e. -space- to be re-activated.

Please, please...pretty please!
Also, could you PLEASE add a commands to access the menu (like the top buton) and another to action the selection (like the bottom button), the 'n' & 'p' ASCII commands traverse the menu already.
John, (S/No 0114, 20G).