I just posted about a $30 Sony controller that can be used with any of their current CD changers (in the Off Topic forum by accident

). It will allow you to use RCA outputs into the empeg. It was recommended to me by an engineer at PhatNoise as being a suitable controller for their Phatbox as well.
Sony also sells a changer that comes with the same or similar adapter/controller in the box. I mentioned that one in another thread (though I didn't have a link for it). You can search for it by putting in some descriptive words (search the entire BBS and put my name "bruno" as one of the words to narrow it down)
Here's a link to the relevant units at Crutchfield:
One of them might have RCA-output built in (if not visible on the site, you will have to email or call Crutchfield and/or check manufacturer websites and literature for more information). I know some of them have multi-pin outputs that can probably be connected to some type of RCA line-level adapter.