I'd like to see emplode modified so that if you select a track that's in a playlist (assuming you've connected and downloaded current lists), you have access to a control panel that displays all the current sound settings for that track.
This would be vol, balance, fade, equaliser preset in operation (etc.), and of course, the current graphic selected.
On the control panel, you tweak around all these settings as you wish.
When you synch, the settings get sent down and associated with that track, so that when the track plays back, all the settings are picked up and set before the track starts. You could then have unique sound settings for every track in the database (I can just hear Mike groaning here).
Even better. When you have set your settings, you should be able to drag and drop the settings as one object into a palette of "Sound Settings". To change the setting for any track visible in a playlist open in emplode, you just drag a Settings object onto the track, and Bingo! It accepts them as changes for the next synch. This way you could set up hundreds of tracks in minutes.
The Sound objects could be serialisable, so you could save them to disk outside emplode, and then we could exchange Sound objects on the forum for a lark. This does tend to leave you open to malicious sound objects though..... (I doubt I would download "BassBomb.snd", for instance
