Now that Jemplode supports nested m3u playlists (for a while), and given the fact that it already allows mp3 downloading, I suggest that Jemplode get's a new feature: Recursive downloading with .m3u playlist creation.
In an ideal situation (for me

), Jemplode would download the .mp3s to a directory structure like:
<artist>/<album>/<tracknr.> - <tracktitle>.mp3
Ideally, it would allow the user to tag certain playlists as "Various artists" CDs, with them being downloaded to
Various Artists/<album>/<tracknr.> - <artist> - <tracktitle>.mp3
It would be nice if the user could set the file naming scheme.
Along with the mp3 downloads, Jemplode would create a "Playlists" directory which contains the playlists right below the root playlist (as you can't really drag&drop the root playlist into (j)emplode) and a subdirectory with all the sub playlists, which are referenced from the first level playlists.
Such a download would be the perfect base for a complete backup of all playlist structures, while still being suited for manual browsing. To restore the whole playlist tree, one would simply drag the contents of the "Playlists" directory (sans subdirs) into jemplode, and everything would be good. Well, at least as far as the structure goes, no tags would be backed up this way.
A different approach, which would preserve any tags would be to download the mp3s as in the previous solution and not to create .m3u playlist, but to directly mirror the *1 fids and the playlist *0 fids. Any *1 fid would than get an additional tag line referrencing the renamed .mp3 file. An example might be easier to understand:
100 is the root playlist which contains just one song, fid 200
101 is the tag file for the root playlist
200 is an mp3 file
201 is the tag file track: "Yesterday" from "Paul McCartney", album "Give My Regards To.."
100 and 101 would be downloaded as-is, 200 would be downloaded as:
Paul McCartney/Give My Regards To .../05 - Yesterday.mp3
201 would be downloaded as file 201, but with a line like "file=Paul../../05 - Yesterday.mp3" added to it.
This method would presere all tags the user added/manipulated on the empeg, including settings like "ignore as child" etc. Hmm, If only I had the time needed, I would try and create a download and upload tool for this variant. However, for most users, the first variant is probably the more comfortable one.