Actually, I haven't tried jEmplode or playing MP3's on it yet. I've only started doing some Java work on it. There would be a couple of problems with jEmplode on it -- 1) it's a really complex UI that uses Swing extensively -- it would likely bring the Zaurus to its knees, though I will try it out and see, and 2) the UI probably wouldn't work well on a very small screen... On the MP3 front, the only reason I haven't tried it is because I have limited space on the Zaurus (it comes default with 64M -- not quite enough to do anything exciting with MP3's).
That having been said -- It kicks a$$. It's got a pulldown keyboard built in, so you can type if you need to. It has handwriting recognition, so no grafiti (though it's nowhere near as cool as the Newton's -- said that there's still no Newton competitor in that department after all these years). I have a 802.11 CF card for it, so I can roam about the house and use the internet. It's got a browser on it, email (with IMAP support, though no IMAPS

), and a good sized community (similar to the Empeg's actually, though the Empeg forum seems a lot closer than the Zaurus one, but I've only been in the Zaurus community for a few days, so that's not entirely fair).
I have a VNC server and an SSH server on it, so I can actually VNC over the internet onto my handheld -- just plain cool

It's running a Linux 2.4 kernel, and you can pretty much compile whatever you want for it. And, of course, it has a really nice PersonalJava 1.2 VM running on it (from Jeode). It's really snappy... Aside from a little bit longer startup time, you can barely tell a Java app from a native app on here.