Hello all,
New to the board so don't flip out on me if I do something out of line. I am looking for a 60gb empeg, and I will be getting a bonus in the near future, so if you have one up for grabs let me know. ALTERNATIVELY I have some stuff that someone may be interested in trading for. I am in the military and found out I am going to Italy. Unfortunately due to the nature of my assignment I cannot take my Nitro powered RC cars with me. If you don't know try going to HPI's website--hpiracing.com-- and check out the RS4 Nitro MT and the RS4 Nitro Racer edition. I have more than a grand tied up in them and I don't want to part with them, but I don't want them to sit UNUSED on a shelf for the next three years either. Both have radio gear, lots of extra parts and hop ups (two speed tranny for example), and both are in good running condition. I will provide pics on request. Due to the large amount of money invested I am only offering to trade ONE of the two for the Empeg. Of course this is negotiable, I would consider one rc car and a little cash for a 60gb empeg or I would trade BOTH for a 60gb empeg and a good 4 channel amp.
Anyway if you are interested email me at
Sta Hi