I don't understand your question. What you need to do is this:
Connect a serial cable to your player. Run Hyperterminal -- see
this entry in the FAQ for details.
To get a serial trace, select Transfer|Capture Text, and enter a filename. Then connect power to your player. You should see messages scrolling up the screen. If not, then read the FAQ entry again.
If you prefer, you can use a different serial communication program. The setup process will be similar.
Once you've done this, run emplode. In the player discovery dialog, hit the Options button and go to the Troubleshooting tab. Check the box. Make a note of the log file location.
Then do whatever you do that causes the failure. When you've reproduced it, close emplode. Then go to Hyperterminal and stop the capture.
Then, gather those two files, ZIP them up, and email them to me.
A common mistake people make (for some reason) is to send me traces of completely successful syncs. I know what they look like. Don't do this

Then, hopefully, the information we need to diagnose your problem will be contained in these files. At the very least, it'll give us some ideas for other things to try.