I am having a very hard time with my laptop (thanks to it, rob got some of my credit card money early, though he didn't get to keep it), my com port is trying to connect top something, but I just can't find out what the hell is trying to do it. None of the software I run requires it, except my comms package which was allready installed before the problem. Thing is, I wanted Beta11pre on, but wasn't to bothered, but now beta11 is out, I definatly wanted that on, but without use of the com port

Of course I use USB to upload my MP3's, but it's no good for upgrades to the empeg (hope your working on that guys, that would be very handy).
Any1 got any cluse as to what the problem could be, or a way to find out more about what is using my com port?
Proud owner of #161