Well, a few days later after moving the LAN to the other 3c905 card, and the same problem exist. I'm begining to suspect the linux driver (never did like it much, Mark, you want to have a try at it?

). So next I'm going to toss in a NetGear card that is currently in the media system. The 3Com should work fine in the media system with it running Win2k.
Oh, and I did some more tests on the problem it's self. I sent a file to the server, and pinged it in another window. Pings appeared fine at first, less then 10ms. Then it started spiking to 60 or 70ish. It went back down, then shot up to over 600, and stopped responding to pings for 10 seconds. It then came back, and repeated this sequence. Checking ifconfig, the rx overrun seemed to increment a bit when this happened.
More tests over the network with other equipment seems to confirm the problem is limited to my server. If all else fails, I think a friend of mine has a 5 port 10/100 switch I can borrow to see if it impacts the problem at all.
I hate network problems like this. I prefer the ones where it stops working period.