I've now used the Pioneer SR80 steering wheel remote for the past few days. This thing is a piece of crap!

I set up the irtranslate just how the instructions in the FAQ said. I even used only the example code provided there. I have not done anything else to hack the player.

In the car, I have the remote strapped to approximately to the 2:30 position on the wheel. In operation, the volume buttons work just fine. They seem to be set to adjust the dB level byt the equivalent of 2 knob clicks. That's fine for me. aside from that, not a single button works on the other side of the remote. Not one. If I swing the remote around so that it's hanging outside the wheel, there's still no reception from the player. Even if I remove it and hold the damn thing directly in front of the face of the empeg, I still get a response about 25% of the time, seemingly from all the buttons.

I'm quite dissapointed. I've never missed my Kenwood remote more