Kelly and I went out to eat at Bok Choy Garden just now. When we left, I opened my car door and there was some stuff on my seat, which I though Kelly had put on it before I'd gotten in, until I looked up and noticed my rear-view mirror was at a 45 degree angle, and Kelly wasn't even in the car yet. I was super confused... did someone break in??? The windows were all still in tact. WTF.

Then I saw a rip in the headliner where the cable for my radar detector was tucked in. Somehow, someone got in my locked car, and ripped the radar detector out of the roof... breaking a phone cable in half which isn't easy to do. After I realized that I looked around, and the back seat was folded forward and my kite buggy and miscellaneous stuff was all askew. They rifled through everything, emptying my glove box and center console, and even opened my first aid kit for some reason, but took nothing else. My skateboard was still there, both amps, subwoofer, gauges, tool kit, radar detector remote display, all there. And there is no sign of forced entry that I could see. Just a ripped roof liner. Did I mention WTF?

So now I'm all paranoid that they took the V1, got spooked and are coming back for the rest of it. I think I'm going to setup my iSight with my Powerbook attached to look out the window and do frame captures all night just in case since my car's parked right outside. I wanna know how the F they got in. Not that it would be super hard to do, but there's not even a scratch on the window frame. I don't get it. And why just take the radar when there was way more valuable stuff laying around. Good thing I always bring my GPS and empeg inside... not that they would have taken them apparently.

Now I don't know what to do about the insurance... would they even replace a radar detector??? Hah. The roof rip sucks though, and I'm freaked it'll happen again if it was that easy. Damnit I can't even afford my deductible at this point. At least they didn't bust a window, the timing it that had happened couldn't have been worse.
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