"I think a lot of people are against gay marriages not because they dislike gay people, but because marriage has traditionally been a ceremony between a man and woman."

I think this would be the issue for same-sex marriages. The big problem is how you define "marriage." If it is simply "documented cohabitation by two consenting adults" then there should be no problem legally with same sex marriages. My personal opinion is that marriage means a woman and a man, and actually a bit more than that as well. But of course if you have a different premise you will obviously come to a different conclusion.

I would probably fit under the "bible thumper" category mentioned previously (and I read this anyway, sorry), but I want to say that whatever people do in the privacy of their homes (or in public such as holding hands) is completely their own decision if it doesn't affect someone else. Even so, my personal opinion is that homosexuality is a sin (that's, as mentioned above, the God issue). That is my belief, and not something I force anyone else to live by. I certainly will make it known if asked. I do not, however, find myself "intolerant" but quite the opposite: I believe that homosexuality is a sin but I believe that others have the freedom to believe and behave differently. If I believe that everyone’s ideas are correct, then of what am I being tolerant? I would be intolerant if I said that I cannot abide by anyone thinking differently from myself.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.