A little reflection could probably answer our question in this matter. I'm guessing it's because they believe in Christ, not because they want to belong to a Christian organization. Not being Christian, I sometimes forget that there's a difference between those two things.

My personal bewilderment aside, no, I don't really expect that it is that complicated and I'm probably being a little, what, pedantic?. It does seem, though, like a lot of these folks really *do* want to belong to the organization, have the organization change so that they can be accepted and belong. I guess it is just my own inclination that I think I would start my own church or fire up a schism. 'Course, some of the subgroups that have sprung up in the RC church might be considered micro-schisms. I haven't paid that much attention.

FWIW, I do have memories of packed, snowy-night Christmas Eve midnight masses and the resonance of Gregorian chants. Pretty heady stuff. There's a lot of rich ceremony there that you wouldn't necessarily get if you opened your own schism church.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.