A thoughtful person who condemns homosexuality will condemn it not only for what it does to society (basically that it propegates itself) but for what it does to the individual practicing it.

Whoa there, Reverend...

How, exactly, does it "propagate itself"? Gay couples rarely propagate at all, and the few that do produce heterosexual/gay offspring in about the same ratio as the public at large. Are you suggesting that homosexuality somehow causes more homosexuality?

And as for "...what it does to the individual practicing it", I take the point of view (splitting hairs, I know) that it isn't the homosexuality that causes the problem, but other people's reactions to it (or should I say against it?) that creates difficulty.

The above arguments are predicated on my very firmly held conviction that homosexuality is NOT a lifstyle choice, but is a physical condition "hard-wired" at birth... no, make that at conception. For any heterosexual who doubts this, consider the following: What inducement could I offer you to have (and enjoy) sex with someone of the same gender? Oh, I know -- gay people are just weak-willed individuals with no moral sense who are easily persuaded by perverts to engage in sinful, abnormal acts, is that it?*

Yeah. Right.


*This sentence is in no way directed towards revlmwest whose insight and elocution in this thread has been outstanding.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"