Here's some basic instructions. Keep in mind, at this point, in this early stage, using it in the car isn't that viable, simply because you've got to get it started via the serial port (or telnet) and command-line.

At this point, you probably have to have a rioreceiver server app running, in the future this won't be required. You can get one at
Get this up and runnnig and drop a few songs in it for testing. Or if you're adventurous, try getting JReceiver going instead.(available at

1. Have the empeg plugged in via ethernet, and also serial'ed to your computer.
2. Use hyperterminal, or your favorite terminal application, to connect to the empeg (this stuff is in the faq, I'll bet). Hit 'q' and 'enter' to get to a command-line.
3. type 'rw' and 'enter' to enable read/write access to player.
4. 'cd /var'
5. In hyperterminal go to the "transfer" menu and select "send file", selecting the rioplay archive (empegreceiver.tgz) as the file to transfer, and start it going. It'll take a few seconds.
6. 'tar -xzvf empegreceiver.tgz' and hit enter.
7. 'cd empegreceiver', then 'chmod 700 rioplay'.
8. 'rwm' to enable read/write to the music partition.
9. 'mv streams.cfg /etc'
10. 'rom' to set it back to read-only for the music partition.
11. 'ro' to set it back to read-only for the system partition.
12, './rioplay', will start up the new player. It'll take a few seconds to finish loading the database. From here, let your remote be your guide.

Some items are off screen in long menus.
The track info screen is way ugly and some text is hidden. Bitmaps are twice as tall as they should be.
Long periods of inactivity make it a little confused on remote codes. If your remote suddenly isn't working, turn the volume dial and try again.
Hold down the "Source" button on the remote for about 6 seconds to get the player to sleep. From here, in the command-line, you can hit Control-C to kill the app.
Typing 'exit' at the command-line (via serial line) will start the built-in player back up. You may wish to reboot the empeg to get a fresh start with the old tried and true software.
