Hi Greg, I've been thinking about buying an mp3/internet receiver box to stream my audio files from my computer to my home stereo. I had an epiphany and thought that I could stream audio to the empeg unit. I found this thread !!!! You guys are way ahead of me by two years. (You guys are my Heroes) My Question to you is -- what would it take for me to do it. I'm just an average windows user who doesn't have too much experience with linux or programming in general. I own two empeg units and successfully installed the hijack software. I'm not afraid to try. Is this project still alive and is it possible for me to do it ???? I have a few internet radio stations I like to listen to and my home system is far superior to my computer setup. My current setup is to use microsoft media encoder as the audio server and use my Ipaq pocketpc as the client and run the audio thru the headphone jack to my receiver. I was thinking it would be way cooler to use my empeg to do the same. Any thoughts or help would be very much appreciated !!!!!
Best Regards,