I believe so too.

I have been thinking about this a bit, and believe that the hijack menu is logically the 'kvm switch'. Holding the volume button should always jump 'back' to the hijack menu. I want to change this in gpsapp, which currently uses the play/pause button for this functionality. But whenever I think about it I always end up in this quagmire of how to deal with apps that want to slumber in the background and pop up into the player's display, or just 'monitor' a single button and pass it on if it turns out that we really didn't want it.

Perhaps an eventqueue similar to what palmpilots use. Apps can hook into the chain at some priority and pass on anything they can't handle. If no app dealt with a button press dump it in the player's lap. But then how to deal with the display. Assume well behaved applications and whenever the player updates the display copy all current 'clips' over it. That way gpsapp could pop up directions even while empacman is running.
40GB - serial #40104051 gpsapp