>is the ability to turn on a feature that gives about everything the ability to be activated via the keyboard

Holy crap, are you serious?! That makes that G4 cube SO much more attractive. Unix, amazing native graphics, a cool discontinued box, AND keyboard commands would actually sell my hardcore PC a$$ on a Mac.

But then there's the issue that they are DISGUSTINGLY overpriced. Thousands for one of those things. Sure, the G4 Powerbook is a sweet piece of hardware, but it costs SO much. Heck, all of it does.

The one other nice thing I can say about Mac is their tech support really supports. I totally jacked my PowerBook at work and they stayed on the phone for probably an hour and a half to fix the problem. What happened? I set some network setting checkbox that completly locked me out of the network settings. Why? I disabled authentication and it wanted to authenticate before it would let me get to the settings screen to re-enable authentication. Support had me trash some system files and have them rebuild from scratch. It was actually an easy fix that I like to know, as an admin. Now I'll just trash system files and let them rebuild when my Mac craps on me.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set