Do you want this to substitute ONLY the next/prev track buttons in place of the left/right facia buttons? No others, right?
Hmm. For me, I'd be happy with just next/prev. However, sometimes you want to do the long-down-press for toggling the visuals, or the short-down-press for opening the menu. Although I can't see how to do either of those with IR substitutions right now. So perhaps L/R is the only thing you can do in that situation.

Another completely different option would be to fudge around with the key events, and just say: "If I get a key event from one of the four buttons while the volume dialog is up, don't eat it. Instead, clear the volume dialog and send that key event to the player after the volume dialog is cleared". This would have the net effect of both clearing the volume dialog *and* making the key do what we intended it to do from the beginning. Although that might confuse some people by pausing the player when they just wanted to clear the volume dialog. So that's not necessarily the best option. So maybe the IR substitution for L/R is still the best way to go.

Do you only want it to do this during the Volume popup, or also during the balance/fader/loudness/... song and dance routine?
I was expecting it to behave the same for any time that dialog was up. Whereever I said "volume dialog" in the original message, substitute "volume/fader/loudness/etc." dialog.

Mark... Thank you for looking at this. YOU DA MAN!!!!!!
Tony Fabris