Yes - that's something that really pi$$es me off. My contract gives me a free upgrade every year - which is nice.
I had a 5110, then a 6110 then a 6210i - all good phones that have decent functionality for a businessman (ie good battery life, infra red, decent reception etc) without the nonsense (polyphonic shite-tones, full colour battery-draining screen etc.)
Then this year they give me a 3510i and tried to tell me it was an upgrade because it has features I didn't have previously (glowing lights down the side, ringtones, picture messaging etc) even though I have gone from a tri band to only dual (so I'm stuffed when I go see some clients) have lost bluetooth and infra red capability and its a piece of shte that doesn't even fit my existing dock etc!
And they wouldn't listen to my fairly reasonable suggestion that the 6310i is the obvious upgrade from the 6210i.
Gits! (to steal a phrase)
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock