i fear for the futre of mortal phones

When getting the 6310 they were bending over backwards to sell me some all singing dancing piece off poo

They really did not grasp the simple concept that if i want to take pictuires i would use shock horror a camera. that arguement failed so they went on to demonstrate the musical ring tones at which point i tryed to give them the idea that they make you sound like a prat everytime your phone rings. Eventually i managed to get the Nokia but more and more phones have got all this stuff on them that i have no need for nor do i wish.

And as for video phone mobiles i would pay to not have this feature

i want a nice minamlist but quality phone I was given a cheap nasty phone as a loan phone once and the thing had a bloody dancing duck on it every time you switched it on.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland