> MS users need to be scared.
You know, these holes in IE have not been used really badly yet, but they will. Right now they just install spyware, but how long until someone uses it to write a program to delete someone's hard drive. Or combines a trojan, a virus, and a worm into some kind of master virus program, kind of like this one has but a step further. One that installs itself through IE's holes like a trojan to get around firewalls, acts like a virus to spread itself around the internal networks, hacks into the now unfirewalled servers like a worm, and that installs itself on webpages for others to DL through IE's holes again? I can't be the only one to think of this, there are people a lot more devious and evil than I am working out there. If you are a systems administrator you are asking for trouble in allowing people on your network to use IE to browse the Internet.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB