I don't think there is much compelling evidence in the video.
For example, the fact that they have found a couple of dozen people who think they saw a small jet rather than a airliner means nothing. People are terrible at being eye witnesses.
When I was watching the second NYC attack live (and seeing recordings of the first) the newscasters kept repeating that the planes were small jets when it was very clear from the pictures I was seeing that they were airliners.
Also, how many of the thousands of people who must have seen the Pentagon plane thought it was an airliner ? Unsurprisingly the video doesn't show any of their witness statements...
Somewhere in the video a statement says something like "it was travelling so fast, it couldn't have been a plane". Well duh, planes do travel very fast. Even if this plane was only travelling at 250kts, that is nearly 5 times the speed of most US auto traffic and as it was flying very low it would have seemed much faster than planes people are used to seeing at height.
The pristine lawn does look a little odd, but I'm sure I saw pictures nearer the time showing an impact trail along the grass ?
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday