You could actually spend a couple of weeks there, as there's a lot to see that's off the tourist path. Check out and pick up their book. From traveling about asia and living in Taiwan, I found that the lonely planet books had most of the insider tips it took me so long to learn on my own.

While you're in HK, be sure to visit the "Ned Kelly's Last Stand" pub at night. They have a fantastic band. It's in Kowloon near the Peninsula, but get a taxi to bring you there, it's kind of in a alley that I know how to walk to but couldn't tell anyone how to get there.

Since good indonesian food is impossible to get here in LA any more, you can try some there. Most places are good. My favourite place is off Nathan street in Kowloon. If you start at the kowloon hotel and walk away from the bay, it's on a cross street to the right, about 4 streets up. Huge sign that says 'indonesian'.

I stayed at a hotel called the "shamrock" on nathan. It was $75 us back in 1996, when every other hotel was $300. It's old but nice and should be cheaper now, since everything is.

Just one other caution, buy a surgical mask at Sav-On or Rite Aid and wear it on the plane trip. On those really long plane trips I used to always catch a cold or flu or something horrible. I noticed that it's common for the Taiwanese to do this and since I started, I have never gotten sick on a plane. On a recent trip to Germany, I was the only one on the plane wearing a mask and the only one of my group not to have a cold when we landed.

Have a great trip.