My Dell laptop behaves pretty much the same as the Apple in that respect then.

On my Dell inspiron 9100 here, I still see manual controls in the Power Managment area to warn me at 20%, and standby at 10%. To me, that percentage should be usable battery life, not total. Much like newer cars hit E when you should find a gas station, not when your car comes to a halt.

Sleep, I just tried it, and it took 6 seconds to enter it, and about 8 to come back out. It's funny, because the power light pulses now, much like my Powerbook does when asleep. While this seems better then 2000, it's still not the nearly instant wakeup the Apple systems have. Also, I can't find a way to allow a bluetooth device to wake the system, so if it goes to sleep when running in clamshell mode, I have to open the lid and hit the power button, then quickly close it again before Windows sees two displays and reconfigures my desktop. Odd, since the blue bluetooth light stays on when it is asleep.

It's better, but the minor differences still exist to put the Apple systems on top for how they deal with power managment. I do sometimes wish OS X had a hibernate feature though.