With my PC I just plug in a new processor or swap out the motherboard & processor, which happens to be a very cheap solution.

This is also possible on most Apple desktop machines, and has been for ages. My G4 Cube for example came with a 450mhz processor, and can be upgraded to a 1.4ghz G4 by replacing the processor card (CPU and L3 cache). Several companies release PowerPC upgrade kits, and some even go between generations. G3 Powerbooks can be upgraded to G4 processors.

Yes, but again it's still very expensive compared to the price of upgrading PC hardware. Apple never intended them to be upgraded, hence third party upgrade kits. For that matter, anybody remember the OEM macintoshes that apple quickly killed off when the realised that everybody was buying cheaper mac compatible hardware, rather than their own?

And with regards to the cube, any upgrade in processor would be a blessing, those things were pooooooor......(but silent)

OS X on a PowerPC or OS X on an intel is an absolute no brainer for me.....I'm sure there must be some little voice ratlling around in job's head saying, one day Gate's, I'll have my revenge!