Ok, I really can't narrow this down to three, but about the funniest thing that has ever happened to me (probably one of those "You had to be there moments", but I'll try anyway) is this:

First off, you have to understand the environment. This group was a bunch of conservative Christians, all who will not cuss or tell dirty jokes (or at least try not to and get embarrassed when they do). Among us is a missionary from a foreign country who is studying at our school (a Baptist university) who has no real concept of our culture and is even more conservative than the rest of us (you wouldn't mention the work "sex" around him). We're playing "Taboo", it is the missionary’s turn to give clues, the rest of his team are girls, and I'm from the "guys" team looking over his shoulder making sure he doesn't say any of the "taboo" words. Perfectly harmless situation being played in the lobby of the girl’s dorm of a Baptist University, or so you’d think . . .

The word he gets is "pirate" and it has various words listed that he cannot say. Struggling to find a word he can use, he says "robber", which due to his accent comes out as "rubber". This kind of made me chuckle, because I knew he was sending the girls down the wrong path. Immediately they start saying things like "band, tire", etc. He, unfortunately, gets a little flustered and impatient because he knows he was misunderstood. So abruptly he shakes his head and blurts out "sea man" trying to refocus their guesses. Of course, I realize what has just happened, what he meant, and exactly how the girls are going to take it. I'm trying sooo hard not to laugh.

Of course, the girls mistook the second word as well, but are now whipped into such a frenzy that they start shouting words at the top of their lungs without really thinking: "Condom! Prophylactic!" etc. (And yes, I clearly remember the word "Prophylactic" being yelled- that just made the whole thing funnier).

Now the missionary is convinced these girls have lost their minds because he has this very offended look on his face- they're so excited because they know their own the right track- I mean what else could it be? My team is utterly bewildered at the whole thing because they're slightly less excited than the girls and have realized that there's no way any word in the family game of "taboo" could be described by the clues "rubber" and "semen". Me, I'm just turning red I'm laughing so hard because I'm the only one who understood what was going on. I finally had to just stop the game and explain to the missionary what was going on. He was very embarrassed, as where the girls who’d been screaming at the top of their lungs in a very public, very conservative, place. Who knew “taboo” could be so “worldly”!

It's one of those stories you see in a "Friends" episode and just write it off as being contrived- only it really happened. Some times truth is funnier than fiction!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.