Since the fsck I posted I have not re-blanked and re-copied.

OK, in that case there's no mystery about why all your playlists are corrupt.

I put Hijack on the player and then contact the player via WsFTP. I mount the drives RW by sending a site command. Then I open the drive0 fid's directory on the PC and the Empeg and select all the FIDs on the PC. I double check to make sure it's set to transfer the files in binary and then hit transfer. When it finishes, I do the same for drive1 (Normally this process takes about 3 days, it's a little over 110gb). Then I delete the drive0/var/database, playlists & tags. Mount the player RO and exit WsFTP. Reboot the player and let it do it's thing then sync in Emplode. Done.

That all sounds perfectly sensible. Next time it might be worth watching the serial port while doing this (in Teraterm or Hyperterminal or whatever), in case there's a crash or something. You could also ensure that remounting the player read-only worked, by using your FTP client to fetch the file "/proc/mounts" (it has a line for each partition, including "ro" for read-only ones and "rw" for read/write ones).

Or, once you've exited WsFTP, you could quit the player using the serial connection (type Ctrl-C), and issue the "rom" command directly. Again, you can do "cat /proc/mounts" to see if anything has been left read/write.

Basically, the filesystem must have got corrupted while it was mounted read/write. If the only times it's been mounted read/write since being blanked are (a) during your FTP copy, and (b) during the Emplode sync (an Emplode sync always involves a period of read/write mounting), then it must be during one of those two times that something bad (e.g. a reboot) happened.
