The flag burning thing pisses me off. At a time when our country has so many important things to be debating, some jokers in Congress decide that flag burning is suddenly a topical issue. Who exactly is burning flags? Oh, that's right, Iraqi insurgents. Think they're going to pay attention to a constitutional amendment in the US?

Seriously, if anything, flag burning is probably at an all-time low, so the fact that the flag burning amendment will likely pass the Senate (if it hasn't already, I stopped following the story) shows how out of touch our politicians are. It's so typical that they'd latch onto a *symbol* of our country instead of actually working to imrpove the day-to-day reality of our country, be it domestically or overseas.

Of course, I don't think i'tll get through the house, and there's no way it gets 3/4 of the states to ratify it, so it's all just mental masturbation. Still, it's a waste of congressional resources that ought to be spent on much more pressing issues.
- Tony C
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