drifting towards more comfort and less formal dress for a long time

I have to agree with Tony. Many many aspects of society have been getting more and more lax each decace for centuries. Parents in every generation say "What's wrong with the kids these days! Their horrible music, their revealing clothes, their foul language, the way they dance, staying out all night" etc etc. Conditions have been "getting worse" since the fall of Puritanism. Mind you, I'm pretty conservative and don't agree with all of the social degredation, but honestly, we've all survived.

Things evolve, and sandals will become acceptible dress just like "skirts which expose the womans knees" stopped being scandelous. But please peoples, don't wear the wife beater or the knee-length pro team logo shirt out of the house, ok?

Or maybe the lacross ladies are keenly demonstrating that "less clothing = more attention".
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set